Saturday, June 5, 2010

ThE LiFe AnD TiMeS...EpIsOdE 24

Previously on the ThE LiFe AnD TiMeS...

We were able to pull of the Mayday Fashion without anyone see us show is done and over with we have our boards and Tees and stress least at the moment.

Maannn im so glad im done wit that show as of right now im not really sure if I wanna do another show after all of that stress but hey ya live and ya learn now I know what to do and what not to do. With all of that going on I really haven't had anytime to focus on my skatin..I can feel my bones gettin jus a lil bit rusty from not begin on my board... so I went on a lil solo session jus around tha city...about 20mins into my session I stumble across this glorious, unoccupied, spacious piece of land (well of course its the city of Detroit's land but what ever its not like there gonna even care that im gonna take it over) I was like a kind in a candy store..minus the candy...and the store. I immediately get on the phone and call up my boy dan and start building....a small skate park... the first thing we create is a small manual pad for starters (which is scene in the picture above) we plan to add more to the unofficial skate park every other weekend..I think that its a dope independent project we got goin on and cant wait to see the progress and the turn out.


Anonymous said...

That's a cute pic of you with the skateboard. I tried to download that mixtape from your other post and it wouldn't let me but the music is pretty dope.

Anonymous said...

Michael Uzowuru (Afro Butterfly) – No Need For Sense (Mixtape)
