Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ThE LiFe AnD TiMeS...EpIsOdE 25

Previously on the ThE LiFe AnD TiMeS...

Skatin around my city I came across this super dope ass spot to turn into like a home grown skate park ( I was feelin like Christopher Columbus and shit findin some new land and clamin that shit as my own lol) and me and my friends started fixin that joint up.

Maannn on some real shit my life got more highs and lows than a strung out trick on 8mile and Woodward lookin for some custos!! My dumb ass goes into the gas station and leave my $300 phone jus lying there for the takin and drive off...and me begin me I dont even notice that the shit is goin till the next fuckin day..this my friends was this sign of a horrible week to come. now I have been with out a phone for well over 2 weeks now with no communication device. (other than my laptop and McDonald's free WiFi) Later on that week me, my girl, and a few friends go out of town for the weekend and have on of the greatest times ever and get back to tha D and she jus goes off on my ass about some shit that cant control!!( it might have been my fault now that I think about it and I think that she broke up wit me too not really sure yet tho) shits jus gettin out of hand and ther is some order that needs to be restored asap!!


A@ Please Don't Eat Me! said...

no phone????!!! = DEATH! i'd be dyin!

Delon "D.DIDDY" said...

dude yes lost my mind and my cell phone in the same night!!

Anonymous said...

I'm real OCD about checking to make sure I know where my phone is at all times. Sometimes I'll look in my purse to see if it's there and then 10 seconds later I'll double check.

Not sure what to say about the relationship problems since I've never been in one and can't relate. However, there are two sides to every story. People don't get mad and "go off" for no reason.

Delon "D.DIDDY" said...

yeah I forget everything its a damn shame...and yes there are always 2 side to every story peopele do not jus go off for any reason I did trigger the verbal ass kicking on my self