In ThE LiFe AnD TiMeS...EpIsOdE 25 I had lost my phone so my co-worker was nice enough to give me his old a Crackberry wit a craked screen...anyone who knows me knows that hate crackberrys..aww well it will do for now cant wait to get that Evo!
better than no phone!!!! lol i have a crackberry, i hate mine too sometimes
wwhhhaatttt dude come one Crack is wack lol didnt they teach you that in school lol i jus dont like the way this thing feels i have to wash my hands everytime I use it lol
ewwww!! that might be from where you got it from- mine isn't "dirty"!!!! hahahaha
i want a new phone too- just gotta wait till i get a raise, hit the lottery, rob a bank, get an inheritance.. lol
lol classic!! yeahhh I tryed to rob Chase bank the other day..didnt workout too well
lol yea i figured that wouldnt work out!!
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